Saturday, June 5, 2010

Saturdays and summer vacation

I've been up since 7:15 and just playing on the computer. I really shouldn't be spending so much time here, but I'm having a ball. First I checked my e-mail accounts. Next I went to and downloaded the next two lessons for primary. I had to go through the lessons and make adjustments---her fonts apparently don't match what I have on my computer so I have to change font sizes and move things around so that all the text fits on the slides. That took about an hour---I'm guessing. I started a batch of clothes and just realized that the dryer is full of dried clothes---wrinkled white shirts by now. Shucks. Oh well, I'll fold the undies and spritz the shirts and put them back in for a few minutes.

I even went online to my coursework and participated in the discussion board. Now I just have my lesson to turn in and I'll have another week completed. Yeah!!

At around 10:30 I was really sleepy and ready for a nap. I was freezing, believe it or not, and couldn't really go to sleep and rest. The thermostat is set at 76, but for some reason I'm cold today.

I went back to sugardoodle to look up printable calendars. My summer is turning out to be much shorter than I had planned. If I take the Region XI coursework that I need for my principal certificate, that will take 8 of my precious days. Oh well, it's got to be done some time. I can take just the 5 ILD class days and save the three PDAS days for during school----but that means I need to take personal days, and I'm not sure I want to do that.

I needed to print calendars so that I can actually look at my summer and do some planning. My hope is to be able to go to Idaho and Utah in July and then Houston the first two weeks in August. I don't know if Carrie needs or wants me there that long, but I think I'll put it on my calendar so that I'm totally available for them. I'm hoping for three weeks in Idaho and Utah----4 days driving, 4 days in Idaho, and 13 days with Beau and Carrie's family. Carrie needs to have some surgery this summer, and she's planning on July 19th so that'll put us there just right to help with the kids, housework, and cooking. We'll get back to Watauga August 1st and have a day or so to clean-up and get ready for Houston. That all depends on when the new little DiVall princess makes her appearance.

Summer just isn't long enough. Now I'm going to go start my to-do list-----things I want to do before I go back to work. I also want to spend some time with Hayley, so there you have it---a very busy summer.

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