Thursday, July 16, 2009

Busy Thursday

Today was a busy Thursday. I completed my homework for my master's course---School Law---and turned it in at about 11:00 pm---it's due at 11:59. I do that way too often---turn things in at the last minute. I'm just never sure it's quite good enough.

Hayley called today. She and David put a bid in on a house in Mansfield. It looked like the deal was going to fall through because the house needed a new roof and the owners were reluctant to pay for it themselves. Hayley and David's realtor found a roofing company that charged a more reasonable amount than the roofer the owners called. The owners decided to go ahead and do it. They'll close on the house next Tuesday! They may change out the carpets and spend time removing the popcorn ceilings before they move in. By the time we get back from Utah, they'll be all moved in and settled. I feel bad that we can't be here to help----the least I could do is watch the kids. The timing just wasn't right.

Wyatt called about 6:45PM. Tate was on the bed with Blaine and they both took a tumble. They both have identical scrape marks on their foreheads, but Tate apparently hit the nightstand a little harder with his head. Both boys were crying, but then Carrie noticed all that awful red stuff. She called a couple of friends to help with the kids and get her to the doctor. After just one hour he was stitched up and smiling. Well, he was stitched up. They called us on a video chat so that Papa and Grandma could see the wound. He said that he'll be well on Monday. He's a bit excited about getting to go to church on Sunday and showing his "war wound" to his friends. Wyatt met them at the doctor's office. As they were leaving he said, "We'll be seeing you again, I'm sure. We have four boys!" Hmmm....that was spoken from experience. This is the first time they've had the stitches and head wound experience, but most likely not the last.

Marc called from Alaska. He's working six days a week. Today was his day off. On Sundays, they have a special evening Sacrament Meeting for those people who have to work. He's getting a bit run-down, it sounds like. His throat is scratchy. I gave him the old "mother" pep-talk----take vitamin C, zinc, and drink lots of liquids. Only now I always add, "get a neti pot." He's having a great time and doing well. He plans on staying up there until mid-October. There is an EMT test he would like to take, and it's in October.

Time is really getting away with me. We only have one more week before we leave for Utah. I'm hoping to have the twins baby quilts quilted by the time we leave. I also want to make blouses and skirts for the girls, so I need to hustle. I am going to try to get my slideshow Primary lesson finished for the two weeks we are gone. I know I'll get one finished by Sunday evening---I'm not sure I'll get the second one finished. I also still have my coursework to do so....I'd better "make hay" Friday and Saturday! Oh, and visiting teaching and.....

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